Monday, August 24, 2009

Whoa! How Big is That?

This wouldn't even fit on the scanner. I had to take a picture of it. What is this, 2004?
10" x 14" brush pens on 80 lb. cream paper $225.
My scanner is tiny.


Stuff in the House

That's my TV right there. See that rectangle on the top of the TV, on the left? Digital converter, people. AKA fancy.

9" x 12" brush pens on 80 lb. cream paper, $1

What? One dollar? Take advantage of this mistake! You're like Barry Egan ovah heah!

PS don't use the Buy Now button if you live in NYC or else you'll have to pay shipping. You can just pick it up for free!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Frank O'Hara

I wonder if any of his friends ever called him Frank No Haira. Those guys loved to party.
9x12" brush pen on 80 lb. cream paper. $45

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Page Six is a Jerk to Actors it Claims to Like

Boom! Stayed up last night and did this in one sitting because usually I take like two or three days to do these and I wanted to see how it would work to do it fast. Turns out they're not that hard as long as I don't mind only half of the heads having a likeness. It's from a Page Six feature called "Fifteen Actors We Wish Were Bigger Stars." The best thing about it is the advice they give these people they say they want to help, like "Be down with Judd Apatow" or "Star in a movie." (Paraphrasing.) They tell Brittany Murphy to get a life coach. Hey Brittany, we wish you the best you moron. Nice one, guys.
9x12" brush pens on 80 lb. cream paper $30

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dog Days of Summer?

Amazing. This was on the inside of an apartment door that was propped open. That's how I got to see it.